Project: Allagash
BrauKon worldwide
Allagash Brewing Company
Allagash about BrauKon
“We make an unusual beer using unusual ingredients and BrauKon is the most flexible equipment manufacturer in terms of letting us use different ingredients and changing their equipment to match our process rather than us changing our process to match some idea of what a brew house should be.”
Branch Rothschild, Head Brewer
- 2013 4 Vessel 80hl Brew House
- 2016 Modernization of existing brew house
- 2018 Expansion of the milling plant
- 2021 – Modernization of the brewhouse
Allagash Brewing Company
Allagash Brewing Company is a Certified B Corp founded in Portland, Maine, by Rob Tod—winner of the 2019 James Beard Award for Outstanding Wine, Spirits, or Beer Professional. Since 1995, the Allagash has been dedicated to crafting the best Belgian-inspired beers in the world, all while giving back to the community that has supported them along the way. Earning coveted Great American Beer Festival, World Beer Cup, and European Beer Star Awards, Allagash has been deemed one of the best American Breweries of the decade by Paste Magazine, one of the best breweries in America by Gear Patrol, and the Best Craft Brewery of 2020 by Brewbound.
Allagash Brewing Company focuses on the production of Belgian style beers and uses various different malt grains. For their new malting system, it was essential to guarantee a strict separation of dark and lighter malt grains. An existing malt mill had to be integrated into the new system.
Our solution
Our 80hl brew house includes a complex milling system with three different mills and countless custom parts to provide enough flexibility for both brew houses. The existing mill was integrated into the new system. BrauKon also provided a spice extraction system to optimize the use of oranges and coriander. A customized sugar dissolver to produce Belgian beers is also part of the system.